Nutrition During Peri- and Post-Menopause

With life expectancy increasing, many women are now spending a significant portion of their lives postmenopause. Post menopause is defined as 12 months after a woman’s final menstrual bleed. The period leading up to this, characterised by the onset of symptoms like hot flushes, low mood, and fatigue, is known as perimenopause. The transition through […]

Fat Burning vs Fat Loss: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to fitness and weight management, terms like “fat burning” and “fat loss” are often used interchangeably. However, they are not the same. Understanding the distinction between fat burning vs fat loss. This article dives into the science behind fat oxidation (fat burning) and fat loss, and explains the factors that influence these […]

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S): Key Updates for Nutrition Practitioners

Recently two defining articles have been published that every practitioner working with athletes should be aware of. The first is the International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus statement on relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S). The second, a more recent article, provides a constructive yet critical analysis of that IOC statement. As with a lot of […]

Multiple Transportable Carbohydrates: Game-Changing Fuelling for Endurance Athletes

Fuelling effectively during endurance events can be the difference between a personal best and crashing and burning before the finish line. A lot of athletes know that they should be consuming carbohydrate during their runs and this can absolutely be a game changer, but the type and combination of carbohydrates you consume can also give […]

Beyond Willpower: Why Weight Loss is More than just Wanting it Enough

We’ve all heard the common belief that those who maintain weight loss are those who just want it more, those with steely determination and iron clad willpower. Within this blog, I explain why we should delve further beyond surface level advice and snide remarks about willpower and weight loss to a more nuanced understanding of […]

Gut Check: Training the Gut for Endurance Success

As endurance athletes push their physical limits, the importance of a well-functioning gastrointestinal (GI) system becomes increasingly clear. Proper nutrition is crucial for sustaining energy levels and performance, but for many athletes, the ability to consume and absorb food and fluids during prolonged exercise is a challenge and in some cases can become a complete […]

How to Fuel an Ultramarathon: Evidence-Based Nutrition Strategies for Peak Performance

Ultramarathons, races that exceed the standard marathon distance of 26.2 miles, are gruelling tests of endurance, mental fortitude, and physical resilience. Whether you’re tackling a 50K, 100K, or 100-mile race, one of the most critical factors determining your success is your nutrition strategy. Proper fuelling will power your muscles and your brain and could be […]

Dietary Nitrate: Is Beetroot Juice the Root to your next PB?

Imagine you’re lining up for a big race, feeling the excitement and nerves. You’ve done everything right in training, and now you’re looking for that extra edge. Enter beetroot juice, or more specifically the nitrate that’s in it. This powerful supplement, might just be the secret weapon you need to outperform your competitors. This article […]

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